Q & A
Q & A
Account related
1. We strongly recommend Mainland China clients to open bank accounts in Hong Kong
2. If clients really want to transfer funds into a Mainland China bank account, please make sure the account is able to receive Hong Kong dollars from Hong Kong securities firm.
Personal account opening procedures
1. Visit CNI office
1. For Hong Kong Citizen, please brings the following documents:
a ) Hong Kong ID card
b ) Proof of address within three months
c ) Debt Card (recommended)
2. Non-Hong Kong Citizen(Mainland China or other countries)please brings the following documents:
a )HKID or Passport
b ) Proof of address within three months (Mainland Client may use address from Mainland China)
c ) Debt Card (Recommended)
2. Account opening through Mailing to CNI office
1. Fill in the documents online
a ) Account application form
b ) Authorization letter
c ) Risk statement (risk disclosure)
d ) Non-US tax payer statement
e ) Supplementary Documents ( If apply )
2. Arrange witness
a ) Client can arrange a lawyer to do witness in order to confirm the documents and signatures
b ). Witness must sign on the application form and the copy of client's identity document
c ) A copy of the solicitor's identity card and a solicitor certification is required
d ) Mail all related documents to CNI office
e ) Documents have to be confirmed received and handled by CNI's Staff.
f ) Your account is ready
Company account opening procedure
1. Visit CNI office personally
a ) Please bring the following documents
b ) Application form
c ) Copy of all identity cards (with signature) of all account operating personnel
and guarantors
d ) The guarantee letter and address proof of the guarantor
e ) Business Registration ( If apply )
f ) Company certificate
g ) Company resolutions
h ) Stock transfer books
i ) Registers of Directors
j ) Shareholders' ID or Passport (with more than 10% shares)
k ) Board of Directors' ID or Passport
l ) Authorized person (autograph/transaction) ID card or passport
m ) Certificate of incumbency within six months ( If apply )
n ) Company Annual Report (If apply)
o ) Company address proof
p ) Proof of addresses for board of directors and shareholders (within three months)
q ) Certificate of Good Standing
r ) Debt Card (recommended)
2. Mailing application
a ) Fill in all application documents
b ) Prepare all documents that mentioned above (Proof of address needs to be within 3
months and others need to be within 6 months)
c ) Witness must sign on the application form and the copy of client's identity document
d ) Mail the application form and all other documents to CNI office
e ) Documents have to be confirmed received and handled by CNI's Staff.
f ) Your company account Is now ready
Margin trading account opening
1. Similar with cash deposit account, you only need to fill in your margin trading amount.
Yes. Please contact our customer services, download and complete the "Third party authorization to operate my account" form, and send it back to us with a copy of the authorized person's HKID / Passport.
1. Download “Notification for change of client information” form
2. Fill in and sign the “change of client information” form
3. Fax the “change of client information” form to (852) 2153 1808 or e-mail to cs@cnigroup.com.hk
4. Mail the “change of client information” form to CNI office