Exchange Traded Equity Securities are one of the most welcome investment vehicles for both retail and institutional investors. Investing in stocks allows investors to have legal ownership and share success of listed companies without making physical contribution to any business activities. Stocks listed in the Hong Kong Exchange, one of the best-regulated markets, are mostly and highly liquid and traded with transparency. CNI Securities offers comprehensive securities brokerage service with leading edge trading platform and mobile applications to help you capture investment opportunities and maximize extraordinary profit potential from Hong Kong, Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets under the Shanghai and Shenzhen Connect. Securities brokerage services include local Hong Kong, Shanghai and Shenzhen (under China Connect) securities trading, securities custody, and nominee services for processing benefit entitlements and corporate actions. CNI Securities also provides services including margin trading of securities, IPO subscription, IPO margin subscription etc. Products available to customers for direct trading include stocks and related products: stocks listed in the Hong Kong Stock Exchange Limited, derivative warrants, callable bull/bear contracts and Exchange Traded Funds (ETF), etc.; and all A-shares under Shanghai Connect and Shenzhen Connect.